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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nami Island and Petite France Trip~ Korea Trip


Alhamdulillah, after we settled and have a good rest last night, we proceed for our Day-2 trip. We woke up quite early in the morning for this trip as it is one to two hour journey from Myeondong. We had our breakfirst in the guest house. They provide western breakfirst, bread toast with jam and coffee. Though it is a simple breakfast, yet it could fill up your stomach and kick start your day! We took Jihachul or subway to go to Petite France and Nami Island. Oh btw, subway is the number 1 public transport being used by the netizen in Seoul. As a backpacker, we used to take subway numerous time compared to bus and taxi because it's much cheaper. And another thing, before you come to Seoul, please study the subway metro line as it consists 12 lines and you could just confuse by seeing its map later and you may download the "Jihachul" app for Android and IOS user. My travel partner, Kiqa really did a great job as she really understand how this subway works and I just follow her lead. I always confused which line metro to take and ended up in the wrong way. Alhamdulillah, our journey by subway has always been fine and safe, even if we lost or tranferred to wrong line(subway), we always could find the right way back as Koreans are very helpful despite the way they stare look at us(muslimah wearing hijab). 

As we arriving to the Maseok Station, I don't remember which line, all the passengers inside the subway need to empty the subway. We were really confused why we need to stop at this station, as we follow the subway route, we don't need to transfer to any line, just heading straight to our destination. The subway staff made an announcement but only in Hangul and not even given translation in english! haha We confused but we just stay as the other people did. I want to ask this young man, don't know if he's younger than us or older, but too shy or he would run away from us. Some Koreans would run away as they seen foreigner want to ask them, but some of them of course really helpful. I learnt and experienced a lot about Korean culture and the good attitude that they shown. Of course they have bad attitudes but why share the bad one when they have a lot of good attitudes. 
Inside the subway

We had no clue why need to stop at this station.

It was really cold and we had to wait for another subway for about 20 minutes.

That brownish dried plants. 

After the subway sudden confusion settled down, we headed to Gapyeong Station with ease. As soon we arrived Gapyeong Station, again, we couldn't find the Gapyeong City Tour Bus pitstop or a.k.a Ecotopia Gapyeong. Gapyeong City Tour Bus is a shuttle bus that take you to three tourist spot which are, Nami Island, Petite France and Morning Calm Park. You only need to pay 5000KRW for the whole journey and just need to show your ticket when you want to hop on. It is very convenient as a tourist though. In Petite France, I hardly seen any taxi there and luckily we took this shuttle bus. Oh I have a story at this station. As we panic that we didn't find the Gapyeong City Tour Bus, we asked the young man earlier at Manseok Station that we were too shy to ask. Surprisingly he was very helpful as I asked him "Gapyeong City Tour bus Odi yeyo?", he immediately browse through his phone to find where this stop and he even asked the ajumma who work in the mart where this shuttle bus stop is. Kamsa Hammida~~

This stop is at another side of Gapyeong Station. 

The schedule of Gapyeong City Tour bus.

Oppa!! Boleh tumpangkan kami?

 Finally sampai dekat Petite France!! Yeayyyy

Masa datang time ni tak tengok lagi cite ni konon macam tak best. Sekali dah tengok, best!! haha

Fefeeling sangat.haha

Love the background! oh why i closed my eyes?!#$%^

Ini je baki snow yang tinggal.sobs :(

Ada macam Fatin Liyana punye pose tak?!haha

Kesian kucing ni tido kat open air macam ni. boleh nampak dia menggigil and the worst thing dia lapar! Poor cat. Masa tukang bagi makan sampai, mengiau and tak tentu arah macam dah sebulan tak makan. :(

Secret Garden! The famous Italian handmade sweatshirt.hahah

Next location was Nami Island!! Woohooo! Entrance ticket costs 8000KRW. A must visit place when you are in Seoul. Let the pictures speak for themselves!(malas nak bagi caption actually.kekeke)

Le famous Nami Island dried trees.hahah

Model biskut Binch.haha

Sangat sedapppppppppp. and of course HALAL. student yang study sini cakap boleh makan. :D

Our humble lunch.hukhuk Sebenarnya cari restoran HALAL yang ada blogger war-war kan, tapi dah tutup kot time kitorang datang ni.sedihhh

That's all for the second day. Oh we had  a lil story to be share.hehe On our way  back to Seoul,we took wrong train to go back to Seoul.haha It was ITX Train. We thought all trains would be the same.haha This ITX train only stop at few stations only which right now I already forgotten.hehe We should get off  and transfer to other line at Yongsan Station, however they won't stop there as it not on the station list. It was a long journey btw. fuhh And the worst part was, when we almost arrived to our destination, the ticket personnel who check the passenger's ticket came to us and we had to pay 5500KRW for one way route which is really expensive~~ sobbing :( We weren't really lucky that day. It was a great experience though. 

May the odd be ever in your favor. kekeke

Till then..