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Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well, the title is must be about travelling isn't it?
At first I didn't really understand how backpacking is all about. After chit chatting with my sister, a backpacking topic came across our mind as we were in Melaka for a vacation in there. We talked a lot about the backpacking thingy, which my sister urged me to have it during my uni time as I can go for backpacking with my friends. As we talked about it, I'd seem to be understood about it. But later, after I pointed out a suggestion towards my friend, Nana, about going for a backpacking, then, after sometimes I did really understand. Then, I do some research or most people calling it, googling, I became an expert in backpacking, kehkehkeh lol this is so not true.

Well, do you want to know where is the country that we(me and Nana) want to backpack?? Hehe, I've always love kpop, then, it would be a must that we are going to SOUTH KOREA bebehh !! Actually, I don't want to be so excited, because we are planning about to go after we graduated. So, it'll be in two years after this entry, and I cannot be so sure about this thing, because 'kita hanya merancang,dan ALLAH sahaja yang menentukannya'.

Yupp, that is so correct. But in person, of course I really want make this happened. InsyaALLAH, we'll be preparing all the necessery things, where we want to go, the subway that we gonna use later, the place that we want to sleep later, and the MOST important thing is the BUDGET!! After all, if all the preparations has been made, but indeed if the budget is still not enough, the backpacking planning is quite distracted because of the money thingy. Yupp, money is everything for nowadays. For a start, both of us want to kumpul our money until the needed amount.hehe Well, the budget for backpacking to south korea, it'll be cheaper than the from the rate of the travelling agencies. If we want to korea by travel agencies, it'll be aroung 4k-5k, if i'm not mistaken. But, if we want to backpacking, it'll cost around 3k and above. So our mission starting this sem, we want to save a little amount our money from our scholarship, for our backpacking. I don't know if our money would be enough after two years. Ape ape pon, kita kene berdoa dan berusaha kan?? :D

As I was googling about the backpacking to korea, and I wondering if I can make it in next semester. HAHA That will be so quick. The money is nowhere to be find. Ade hati nak pegi next sem.! ;p
I am so excited about this backpacking. I wish this gonna be come true. InsyaALLAH. 
Ya ALLAH permudahkanlah urusan kami di dunia dan di akhirat.Amin~~

Backpacking to korea is quite challenging actually, the most crucial part is the subway and transportation system. In South Korea, the subway system is one of the important transportation in town. The subway system has many exits as we could get confused and stranded inside the subway itself. Hopefully when I arrived Korea, everything will be smooth as we planned. insyaALLAH~