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Friday, July 29, 2011

I love Penang!!!

Last week, I went to Penang because MRSM Balik Pulau batch 07/08 had a reunion with style! haha, memang style sangat! I went to Penang by car, with Peah, Pq, Alif and a sudden passenger, Miniy..hee This reunion has been planned 6 months earlier from the reunion date or a year earlier, which I don't remember, and at first I didn't planned anything to go to this reunion because at the moment of the reunion thingy is being planned, I was showing no interest to go and so do my others friend of MRSM Balik Pulau.

The head of this reunion is Arai, he is the one who prepared the reunion proposal and drive from UTP to Balik Pulau for a few times to see our Pengetua for the proposal. After a few meetings, his proposal was being approved by our pengetua. He was really happy, for sure lah kan..ngee Good job Arai! Our original reunion date is on 22,23 and 24 of July, but then after some miscommunication or misunderstanding with the maktab, our reunion in Balik Pulau with the current students has been cut to 22 and 23 of July only. We were really devastated with what had happenned to us on the day we arrived Balik Pulau, Penang. We received this news when we were on planned to eat durian on our way to maktab. Thus, our durian's festive was cancel, all of us with solemn face make a move to maktab. Oh whyyy...

Next, the first thing first we did when arrived at maktab, all of us gathered to discuss with some brand new idea of replacing the original tentative of our reunion. After an hour, we already have an awesome idea for tonight and tomorrow programme. Then, after a long journey to Penang, we need some space to rest and have bath, we checked in to Upeh Inn owned by our teacher, Pn.Siti Khadijah a.k.a Cikgu Kelly. We were really happy with the house and the rooms and preparing ourselves for tonight programme.

The idea of this reunion is really awesome because we get connected back with our old friends and teachers and not forgotten our juniors which when we were Form 5, they were Form 1 with cute and snobbish look, but now they have grown up! haha more matured and of course taller than me..ngee. Somehow, I was really upset that I couldn't have a little chat with my adik homeroom because of my eyes problem. This was another pathetic story of mine, I left my glasses and my contact lens cases at home while I'm on my way to Subang. Actually, we meet up here at Subang except Alif and Miniy before we leave to Penang. My bloody glasses and CL cases. Why I always forgot at times like this. T.T

Continue,that night I was really uncomfortable my eyes because I wear contact lens only on the left eye because my right eye was really dry and I can't put on the CL. Thus, my sight was being distracted and I can't see them clearly. Adik-adik, akak mintak maaf ye sebab tak tegur korg time uhh :( Mianhae~

On the next day, we had another programme with them, but this time, it was more to game and group for them. :) It was really fun until a complicated game start to come up and I slowly walked out from DSG (Dewan Seri Gemilang) and did my own task * snapping picture with PQ, Mira and Miniy. Sorry wehh untuk yg kat dalam dewan bersusah payah korg incharge diorg ;p

Haaa,,after the programme finish, we startted off to take picture with the teachers and also among of us to bring back home this beautiful moment while we're here. Then, our stomachs also start to make their own sounds since from the morning we haven't eat anything heavy. So we decided to take brunch at Restoran Peladang. We're really hungry though. I was eating with Mira, E', Fahmy and Faiz. Actually I've never talk to them before back in maktab , but this is way more natural that we talk freely like we have known each other for a long time. This is la the time that we can chit chat without any malu..hee. Seriously, there are among of us never talk  to each other but this reunion can make it happenned.

After we finished eating, between me, Mira, E', Fahmy and Faiz, we decided not to go to Taman Rimba because of the structure of the road and out of sudden planned to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Queensbay..ahahha This gonna make other people angry with us because of our selfishness..Sorry people, at the end we don't go there. Yupp, we had another plan, first, checked out form Upeh Inn and go to Batu Feringghi and have some nice view in the seaside.Yeah!! We did took a lot of pictures from here and duduk-duduk and borak-borak among of us. Then, we planned to stay in some budger hotel, unluckily we don't find one. Thus, the people who incharge of the budget hotel said, "Kawan aku ade rumah kosong yang dia dah lama tak duduk, So malam ni kite sume tido sane tapi kene bersih-bersih kan dulu la ehh" So, I was like hmm what a sudden change and what a sudden coincidence that she had a friend who had an empty house. *empty house yet fully furnished.

Before we arrived to the house that my friend said earlier, we went to night walk in Batu Feringghi to buy some souveniers to bring back home. Then, after jalan-jalan, at 11.30 pm, there are some of us who haven't eaten yet, including me..hee, luckily I don't get gastric because of late meal. Then, we startted to drive our cars to Restoran Kapitan near Quensbay. :) While on the way to Restoran Kapitan, I'm taking a nap. Tersengguk-sengguk dalam kereta.heh When we arrived, I got really blur and half unconcious with sleepy eyes.HAHA.. They were laughing at me because I get really blur and I was the first person who'd order food. We arrived quite late from the others friend. My friends who'd arrived early waiting for us to order food, but ended up I'm the one who order it first. Sorry guys :).

After eating, we started to make a move the house that we gonna stayed that night. Actually, the house is belong to my friend, which his family has moved out to other house. Thank you my friend who'd gave us permission to stay at your home. After doing some cleaning, we dozed off at 3.30 am. :) The next morning, we took brunch together at Pizza Hut, Queensbay before all us saying goodbye to each other and leave Penang. :(

I'd such a great experience on this reunion gathering. This reunion had made us closer. Hope to see you all again! :) Bye bye Penang.

Syikin dah sampai Penang. Woahhh!

The new look of MRSM Balik Pulau 2011. :)

Waheeda and meee :)

Waheeda , Miniy and Pq are in BP!

Makan malam pertama kami di kedai mamak.hee :)

Izzy, Mira, E' and Peah :)

Pq and Izzy while handling the kids. :)

Miss you all my dearie friends!

Picta is blurry. The girl must be nervous taking our picture coz we all really cute..ngehngeh

PQ,Minie and Mira :D

With Jannah, a korean girl has back to Malaysia for sem break:)

SEJUTA IMPIAN punya paper.hikhik

The Juniors

Escape from DSG. Gotta get punishment!HAHA

Durianssss.nom nom nom

Peace yawww!

Love the scenery!

Miniy : I can fly high!heheh

Behind the giant rocks!


Pretty ladies on the seaside!


Orang perancis,haha si ajim



Muka tak boleh blah

Happy family picture! Nice house :)

In the Pizza Hut, Queensbay Penang! Tempat outing masa dulu-dulu